Oxfordshire villages
Sunday morning we drove through the ups and downs of the Oxfordshire countryside avoiding major roads. With a lovely clear day we were able to see for miles from the tops of these hills. We encountered several cyclists before realising there was a road race taking place! We were looking for the village of 'Great Tew' as I had read this village was an ideal location for fi
lming historical programmes. A lot of 'Tews' on the signposts but eventually we found ourselves in the right place. It must be a popular place as there was a designated car park. As it was early it was quiet or so we thought. Turning down the lane we saw several people posing for a photo outside the village pub. Most of the properties were thatched, one in particular with an unusual design, but then we saw the sign leaning against the fence advertising 'Master Thatcher'. The narrow lane came to the end by another lovely property named 'Bee Bolt' and not being properly attired for rambling we turned around to return in the direction of the pub. By now the group had left and some walkers had arrived, as well as couple of girls on horsebac
k. Again the road came to an end and with it still being early the 'Falkland Arms' was shut so we moved on.

We eventually returned to Lechlade for lunch in 'The Riverside Inn' another Arkells pub. Most of the patrons were outside sitting at the picnic tables so the pub seemed quiet. We sat by a large bow window so we could watch the swans on the river and the occasional narrow boat pass by.
Afterwards we took a walk along the riverside having crossed 'Halfpenny Bridge' so named because in days gone by that was the toll charge. We had to avoid the cow pats as the route passed through a large field as well as the herd of black and white cows swans were all over the place. Several fishermen were sat along the bank using large poles to extend their fishing rod thus enabling the float to be cast on the opposite side of the river. One or two walkers complained about these extensions blocking their route. We had no problem as we just walked around them! Eventually we came to a small wooden bridge leading to another field just as a couple paddled by in their canoe. A real 'Flatford Mill' scene from this bridge.
Ian and Julia wanted to be on their way home to Surrey before the evening rush so it was back to the car and the 'Talbot' to say our goodbyes until next time.
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