
Sunday, 18 January 2009

Frati valley


The strong warm southerly wind is persisting and Keith made a decision to go walking in the Frati valley – at least we would be out of the wind.  Parking the car on the outskirts of the village we set off down one of two tracks. We immediately disturbed 4 guard dogs as we passed a small enclosure, two of the younger dogs repeatedly barking, but wagging their tails as though pleased to see someone, whilst the older Alsatians just stared at us. Down and down and round and round we walked on the track good in some places very muddy in others until we reached the stream.  The wind was surprisingly as strong as ever and so I was not looking forward to the head wind on our return.  Over the river we began to climb again passing through a small copse of oak trees where some of the dead leaves were blowing about in the wind like small birds flying among the branches. 

We had a good view of the Church that stands out in the valley with the steep rock face of the entrance into Kourtalioti Gorge behind and looking back saw the village of Frati.  Below was a fast running stream and we began to hope we would come to a bridge as we began our descent.  Thankfully we did so we were able to do a circular walk.  Over the bridge we saw an ideal place to stop for our lunch and sat on large boulders by the water.  Above us in a small field an old man was searching for horta. 

During our walk I had frequently seen what I thought was wild celery plants but on rubbing the leaves found there was no smell.  Sitting by the stream I saw one of these plants coming into flower. Whatever it is the flies certainly like it!   

As we set off again we found the wind was now behind us and blowing us along at quite a pace.  Up and up we climbed to get another view of the front of the Church and in the background the track though the oak trees. I know we have visited this Church years ago but we wondered how we had got to it as we could see no visible access, yet there was a track leading to the area.  We soon seemed to be back at the car and on our way home. 

We stopped at ‘Smyrna’ and had a coffee and beer with Patti, a young woman who works for the car hire company.  It has taken us 8 years she said to have this coffee!  The time flew quickly and she had to leave us at 3pm to pick up her 2 small children. As we continued to sit with our drinks we watched 3 wind surfers struggle with the elements to remain upright, one of them being a beginner so he spent more time in the water than on his board.   I have also discovered where the lone goose of Plakias is spending the winter.  It, along with a few cats, are living in 'Christos Taverna'! 


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