More wind
More wind from the North and a build up of cloud. Several large ships are at anchor and the dive boat is operating again. Yesterday they were unable to get out of the Marina. A stroll through the grounds brought us down to the beach where yesterday's strong winds had flooded parts of the beach. A team of staff were already working hard to clear the seaweed and other debris from the beach. In the lagoon the water has been completely pumped out and what appears to be an unenthusiastic team of men are cleared the bottom of seaweed.
As the cloud thickened we returned to our room mainly for me to take to my bed. I felt so cold and shivery. Keith went for a walk to have lunch at the Dive Centre whilst I slept the rest of the day missing my evening meal.
MONDAY 1st February
After chatting in the 'Tanour' with Margaret, a Sicilian, and her husband Stuart, we stayed on to eat in the Lebonese restuarant. Sue and Peter had joined us and as it was Peter's 65th birthday we shared the table. They are another pair of regular visitors to the hotel. As expected the food was wonderful. We had our own mini barbeques to keep our grilled chicken pieces and lamb chops warm whilst Keith chose a beef dish. I had chosen sauteed beef and pine nuts for a starter, the others ordering chicken livers cooked in wine with pomegranates. I had a taste, which was nice, but I don't think I could eat a whole dish of the rich food.
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