
Sunday, 7 December 2008

Korakas Beach, Rodakino


As the dark clouds began to disappear off to the east we left 'Creta Spirit' heading west in the direction of Rodakino about 30 minutes drive away from Plakias to take a walk along the tarmac road fronting the long stretch of Korakas Beach.  By the time we reached our destination the sky was clear and theheat of the sun very pleasant, and guess what sufficient wind to do a spot of kite flying.  Several local men drove down to the area in their pickups presumably to come and see who was flying kites. (Maria has told us that there is an annual kite day in Crete held in the Spring and this is the only time you usually see kites flying.)  After a while I decided to stretch my legs and went for a stroll along the beach. We used to come here regularly in the season and it was a nice beach.  It still is if it wasn’t for the rubbish such as plastic bottles, and rusty drinks cans left behind by the last of the tourists.  Towards the eastern end of the beach is a couple of caves, not too deep but possible to get a little shade from the summer sun.  Today all I saw in these spaces was more rubbish and an old sun bed that presumably the people who have a house across the track are currently using.  Rejoining Keith, after I had found a small piece of driftwood that resembled a bird's head complete with open beak and an eye, we put away the kites and walked westwards along the road noticing that some of it is falling away onto the beach in certain places.  These places have been marked by large stones and old car tyres!
In the hillside amongst the dense greenery, some of it showing lovely autumn colours, we could hear the sound of bells and occasionally caught sight of a ram with a pair of wonderful curly horns that glistened in the sunshine.

Time to return home where with the late afternoon sun and still clear blue skies the mountain village of Sellia looked lovely, but we had the local bus close behind us so did not venture to stop.  (These narrow winding roads make passing large vehicles difficult at times.)  Perhaps I will get my photo another day


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