Going north
Monday 3rd November

Keith's birthday so we would go somewhere new. We made several stops, the first being in the lovely village of Roustika. Parking the car in the square we walked under an ancient arch to explore the many lanes of this village which also has several Churches and a Monastery. We followed the sign to 'Roustika Manor' a museum of local traditional dress but found it was now closed for the season. Across the road was the cemetery and in the adjoining field I was able to help myself to a pomegranate. The others thought I had taken it from the churchyard - as if I would as it would offend the local people.
Lake Kournas, the only lake on the island was our next stop and an ideal place to have our picnic. The tavernas were still open and we didn't want to offend the owners by parking close to them and then eat our own food, so we ended up at the far end of the lake overlooking a large flock of coots who were not the least interested in the bits of bread we were throwing to them.Whilst the men drank their beer Julia and I settled for the local wine to wash down the piquant sardines. We moved the car nearer to the exit road and took a stroll along the shore being greeted by very noisy geese and ducks who thought they were going to be fed. Although the place was preparing for autumn, i.e. cutting back the mulberry trees, washing down the small pedal boats, there were still tourists willing to pay 7 euros an hour to hire one of the boats. A family camping by the water's edge were also enjoying a swim while their puppy watched from the shade of an upturned boat.
Our last stop in the late afternoon was Georiopolis (not the correct spelling but I can't be bothered to get the Guide Book out of the car). A small resort on the North coast in Souda Bay. I thought a visit to the small church at the end of a rocky jetty out to sea would be nice. I hadn't realised how rocky the walk way would be but the water was fairly shallow should one of us fall in!
We also found that close by was the area where the fishing boats tied up so before returning to the car went to take a look. We were lucky to see 3 pelicans swimming around a fishing boat where the man was deep in concentration baiting the hooks with very small sardines.
We had a celebratory meal at 'Kastro'. Athanasia made some small pies decorating them with small candles spelling out 'Happy Birthday'. As the hot wax melted quickly he got a very fast rendition of Happy Birthday before blowing them out in one go.
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